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NHS service improvement

Disease insight reports

Disease insight reports are based on analysis from real world evidence. Reports are often produced in partnership with a third party, for example, a charity or a strategic clinical network to review activity in specific areas to help identify trends, gaps or inefficiencies in patient care. Disease insight reports create interest from the market by offering high-quality thought leadership and highlighting opportunities to improve services and care.

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Disease insight reports help you to understand the NHS from the perspective of your customers and patients. They are based on data analysis to identify anomalies, variations and trends in patient treatment pathways within health and social care. The benefits of this specialist insight include:

  • Highlighting the burden of disease
  • Identifying variations in patient outcomes
  • Providing evidence for change in therapeutic areas
  • Granularity of data – insights can be gained at national, regional or local level
  • Achieving a clear understanding of the impact pathways and services have on patients’ experiences and outcomes
  • Highlighting areas of best practice and opportunities for efficiencies

Our proximity to the NHS means we have unique relationships not only across the NHS itself but also with patient organisations, healthcare charities and academia. We have an extensive international network of key opinion leaders that can be called upon to contribute to or endorse reports.

Working with us, you have the choice to commission a report for your organisation, or you may prefer to work in partnership with a third party from within our healthcare network.

Our clients have used disease insight reports for a variety of reasons:

  • Client A partnered with a major charity to develop a cross-sectional analysis of hospital data to show coded admissions and uptake of disease-modifying therapy
  • An NHS network commissioned a report to show a regional analysis of coded admissions by disease area
  • Client B commissioned a national bronchiolitis report
  • Client C commissioned an England-wide report to be used by the All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on headache These reports have been used effectively by clients to influence service design, health policy and improve patient outcomes
  • “Commissioning a data intelligence report helped us understand the use of UCL Partners neurology services and the needs of our CCGs within the area. This has been most helpful and has contributed to our 20-year clinical strategy. We have consequently started a £24 million reconfiguration of the hospital over the next two years, and are looking to a more major building project in five years.”

    Professor John Duncan, Divisional Clinical Director at University College London Hospitals, Queens Square London